
A Simple Trick… Mark Your Line
This lesson is very simple but very important. It has nothing to do with casting technique yet can make you a far better caster. It’s

Biggest Mistakes in Casting
1. Too much slack in the line when starting the back cast. The rod tip needs to be down close to the water to avoid

Casting into the Wind
Don’t you just love the wind! The wind is every fly caster’s worst nightmare. It means our accuracy goes kaput and we run the risk

How to Cast a Variety of Lines
FLOATING LINE This is the line you will with use most frequently. For short, fresh water casts, you can stand facing the target and cast

How to Practice Fly Casting
No doubt the title of this episode alone makes you mad. Here we have been urging you to practice and giving you all sorts of

Managing Line, Stripping Baskets and Other Challenges
Fly fishing is an elegant style of angling, but it is not without its challenges. One of the problems with fly fishing that is never mentioned a whole lot is how to deal with all the line? In other forms of fishing, the line stays on the reel until it is needed. With fly fishing, things are not quite so simple. If we want to use line, we better have it off the reel and on the floor of the boat, on the ground, or in the water.

No Cast Zones
One of the problems with fly casting is that it takes a lot of space, particularly for a back cast. Sometimes we have limited space

From Jim White – As the Director of Education for the Cape Fear Flyfishers, I have missed a golden opportunity to encourage all of you

Realities that Govern Fly Casting
In our first episode, we talked about the importance of practicing our skill- to, as Flip Pallot has said- make a decent cast to get

Spey Casting
Spey casting is an easy and fun way to cast a fly line that does not require a back cast. It can be done with

Tailing Loops
There are many explanations about why tailing loops form and create “wind” knots. Lefty Kreh, as usual, goes to the heart of the matter. He