About Us

Serving the Southport and Wilmington areas of North Carolina, the Cape Fear Flyfishers was founded in November of 2006 as an independent, non-profit, membership-at-will organization for fly anglers interested in saltwater and freshwater settings.
The group has a recreational, educational, and conservation focus “to provide our members with an informal and relaxed forum for education, intellectual exchange, and resource stewardship through the sport of fly fishing.” Members have all skill levels – beginner to expert. The club is affiliated with Fly Fishers International (formerly called the International Federation of Fly Fishers). We will enroll you as an FFI member if you join the club (if you are not already one).
You are welcome to come to a meeting or two to see if the club is right for you before you join. We currently charge $51 per year in dues to cover club expenses. However, you must also be a member of FFI. That costs $35 unless you are over 65 or a Veteran ($25). The dues are pro-rated by the month you join.
To request a membership application form, please send an email message to our membership coordinator at cffrdd2006@gmail.com
The group usually meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6 PM in the Community Center of the St. James Plantation on NC Hwy 211 in Southport. We do not meet during the summer. Our May picnic and December banquet are in other, more appropriate, venues.
We routinely schedule trips to chase reds, trout, false albacore, and bass. Members with boats routinely offer space to others. Members use power boats, kayaks, and wade in pursuit of fishing challenges.
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