
For fly anglers in Brunswick County, NC, boats are pretty close to an absolute necessity. While there are places one can fly fish in saltwater without one, the list is far longer if you have a boat, or, better yet, know someone who does.

Broken Rod! What to do…
The most important thing you can do when you break your fly fishing rod is something you do when you first bring it home from the fly shop or get it in the mail. You do it before you have put your rod together, put a reel on it or even tried to cast it.

Cleaning Fly Line & Deciding When to Replace It
Fly line is expensive. Some premium styles are over $100 per spool and many more styles are getting close to that. If you want to get the most out of your expensive line, here are a few tips people have taught me over the years.

Essential Equipment
Fly fishing can be expensive if you want it to be. But it is not necessary to spend big bucks. There are some things you will need to have.

Exit Strategy – Your Gear?
Exit Strategy. Those words apply to a whole host of situations. When you enter a room or building for the first time, always check to

Fishing Hats – Yes, Stuff You Need to Know!
Yes, HATS. Like what you wear on top of your head when fishing. Since this is being written on April Fool’s Day, it is easy

Fishing Shoes and Boots
Getting right to the meat of the problem, having the wrong shoes or boots can ruin your day especially when you are fly fishing.

Fly Rod and Reel Maintenance
So, now we have money and time invested in good rods, reels and line. What do we do to keep them going for years to

Gear to take on Fly Fishing Trips
Items to Carry on All Overnight Fishing Trips __Cold gear– it gets cold even during the summer __Wide hat– keep the sun off your ears

How to Shop for a Fly Fishing Rod, Reel, and Line
How to Shop for a Rod The time has come to go buy a rod. You have done some homework by reading reviews, checking YouTube

If I could only buy 1 rod…
Over the years, a number of fly fishing magazine have asked superior fly anglers what they would get if they could have only one rod

Just So You Will Know What the Line Weights Mean
Yeah, this is for the real fly fishing nerds. But now you know why we use a relative scale instead of using the actual grain

Keep ’em Rollin’ Trailer Maintenance!
Spring! Now is the time to do some maintenance on something not all of us possess- a boat trailer. If you don’t have a boat trailer, read this anyway because it is likely you know someone with a boat trailer and they might decide to take you fishing. But before you go, you should go through a checklist with them to make sure your pleasant excursion doesn’t wind up involving road-side assistance, a wrecker and even, perhaps, the Highway Patrol.

Letter Line “Weight” and Corresponding AFMA (Manufacturers of Fishing Tackle) Numbers
AFTMA No. Avg Weight in Grains (a) Range: Mfg Tolerances Double Taper (DT) Weight Forward (WF) 2 80 74-86 IHI IHJ 3 100 94-106 IGI

Level-wind for a Fly Reel?
While I am not an expert on old fly reels, I will say that I have never seen one with a level-wind to put the line back on the reel in an orderly fashion. To have such a contraption may not be impossible but it sure would increase the complexity of the reel.

More on Rods, Reels, and Line
Anyone starting out in this sport today will be confronted with a huge assortment of equipment to choose from. Most of it is very good.

Right Hand or Left Hand Retrieve
Tradition calls for right-handed fly anglers to cast with their right hand and reel with their left hand. I think God ordained this as the

Rod and Reel Recommendations
Lefty Kreh, the dean of saltwater fly fishing, has said that almost any rod over $250 is better than most of the anglers who use

Rod Tips – Cheap Insurance!
Real Cheap Insurance Having a Supply of Tip-Tops in Your Fishing Bag My bank account has taken a beating in the past month with premiums

Tapered Furled Leaders and Tippet Rings
“Furled” means you have several stands of material that are wrapped around each other and secured at both ends to keep them from unwrapping. Experts claim they cast better, turn over (present the fly) better, are more resistant to corrosion as well as oyster shells, and cut your costs for leaders dramatically.

To Twist or Not to Twist – Rod Assembly
Twist & Shout- No! Thoughts on assembling a fly rod I was in the 10th grade when Chubby Checker introduced us to The Twist. I

Why Do Some Rods Cost So Much?
The cost of top of the line rods is staggering. It is possible to spend over $1,100 on the top of the line G. Loomis

Winding Line Back on the Reel
Some fly lines now cost over $100 a spool- for 90-110 feet of fly line. My goodness. The question is, what can I do to keep that fly line in good shape?