Just returned from a week of chasing bonefish on the Bahamian flats – lot of chasing, some catching. The bonefish were a bit scarce this week, but some nice fish were taken. There are no pictures of my catch – you would need magnifying lenses to see them.
The fish of the week was a 30+ lb. permit caught by a fine angler not in our group. Credit also given to guide Skakey.
The permit was caught on the “best permit fly ever made” the Danger Muffin tied on a size 4 hook. These sell from Rainey or Umpqua for about $10 each. There is a YouTube of Doug McKnight tying the fly. A picture is below. The coin is a quarter.
The last day was bad weather, making it too difficult to sight the bonefish. We called an audible and went for dinner fish instead using spinning gear and live pilchards. (totally primal). We were able to catch the target species, mutton snapper along with other snapper and some jacks. At least we didn’t have to eat PB&J. We also had a number of fish including a tarpon that couldn’t be landed.
It was a very enjoyable trip with a great group of anglers and comfortable facilities but, I think there are better locations in the Bahamas to catch bonefish. Andros and Abaco seem to be the preferred locations.