Flyfishing enthusiasts,
If you ever wanted to go on that “great flyfishing vacation”, consider Alaska.
Our group spent a week at the Royal Coachman Lodge, located in the Wood-Tikchik state park. Wood-Tikchik is the size of Rhode Island and has only 2 lodges located in its boundaries. Except for the day we fished the home river – the Nuyakuk, all days were fly-out to some alternate waters.
This year, the sockeye run was once again huge, added to this was a good run of pink salmon. The gamefish were fat and happy by the September timeframe. Although we experienced some weather delays in daily departures, and some unfishable waters from local heavy rains, the RCL crew did their usual fantastic job in finding the hot spots. This year’s catch was extraordinary in terms of size.
The Nuyakuk once again proved to be a great source of trophy rainbow trout. High waters lowered our numbers but provided excellent cover for the “lunkers”. The fish of the trip was a 32″ male. Rick’s 30 1/2″ female was only good for third place. A special thanks to our guide Tony Gugino – a true trout expert.
A near-by river the Agulapak provided excellent fishing for rainbows and arctic with most over 20″.
The lodge had done considerable scouting and developed some new fisheries and techniques for giant arctic char. Small and mid-size char follow spawning salmon into the streams, but the real monsters hang in lakes by the stream mouths waiting for salmon eggs and flesh to be carried to them as an easy meal. Portage Arm and Mirror Bay provided fantastic catches. The 32″ and 31″ catches were not the best of the week. The lodge record was set the previous week at 34 1/2″ and 20″ girth. Calculations estimated the weight to be 18 lbs.
In most years, we have a trip to the coast to fish a run of big Silver Salmon (8-14LBs.).
High, muddy water made fishing there very challenging, and the group that went had little success.
Fishing was done with 6WT to 8WT gear throwing egg imitation patterns and streamers.
The favorite streamer is the Dali Llama in either black, green or flesh colors. The salmon prefer bright colors red, orange, pink.
Notable were the runs of king salmon and chum salmon. These runs have been in decline for a few years, unlike the sockeye and pink salmon. No one in the lodge community or state of Alaska seems to have a good explanation although theories abound. The silver salmon run was somewhat low but was still in progress at trips’ end.
The Royal Coachman Lodge is a premier lodge in Alaska. Meals and facilities are outstanding considering the remote location. Meals included salmon, halibut, steak, duck, elk chops, and a diverse Italian spread. The daily flight service to as many as 28 different locations, all but assures a fine experience (weather dependent).
The cost is also premier. One week at the Coachman is $11,000. Add to this a round d trip flight to Anchorage, tips, license plus an overnight stay in Anchorage with hotel and meals and it can really damage a savings account. There are many cheaper options but be aware of poor service and poor fishing (mistimed runs) and it can still be a significant expenditure, with an unpleasant experience.
The size and number of fish is incredible, but this is only part of the total experience. The adventure, the wilderness experience, the aquatic biology, the float plane travel, and the chance to spend a week with other flyfishers from a variety of backgrounds makes this a truly memorable experience.
Tight lines,