2021-04 Minutes – Casting Clinic


Several people practiced casting lines in the St. James Community Center ponds prior to the meeting.  Jim White, a.k.a. “Rev” had a boat load of used fishing equipment for sale that had belonged to a past CFF member. 

President Bill Buchsbaum called the meeting to order and asked for the Treasurer’s report.  Newly appointed treasurer Doug Donaldson announced that the bank balance is around $3,800 to $4,000.  Doug didn’t give a precise balance because several members had just paid their dues.

The fly drawing was won by Fran Jarrett.


  • 19 May–picnic
  • June, July, August—no meetings for the summer
  • 15 September—monthly meeting
  • 27 October—meeting at Woodlands Pavilion (St. James) for a casting competition.  Please take note this is the last Wednesday of the month instead of the third
  • 17 November—monthly meeting with subject to be decided
  • 11 December—holiday banquet at Members Club in St. James


May 10-12—Weldon NC for striper fishing

June 12-17—Bristol TN for trout

July 13-17—Galax VA for smallmouth bass

October 10-15—Bristol VA/TN for trout (our annual spousal trip)

November—false albacore.  Location to be decided

Reel Recovery, a cancer recovery group for men has an upcoming October event.  Details at ReelRecovery.org.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Fuller


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